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How Much is Construction Labor Costing Your Projects?

RhumbixJune 01, 2023 • 7 min read

Project construction labor costs can vary significantly depending on many factors. Still, we all know it’s the most important and one of the most expensive aspects of any project. Costs vary based on location, type of project, complexity, scale, duration, local labor market conditions, and prevailing wages. Nevertheless, labor costs typically account for a significant portion of the total project budget.

Labor costs in construction projects can be estimated based on the number of workers required, their respective skill levels, the duration of the project, and the applicable wage rates. Labor costs usually include wages, benefits, insurance, payroll taxes, and other expenses associated with employing workers. Also, part of this equation is considering the indirect labor costs (e.g., supervision, management, and support staff). These costs may include salaries, benefits, and other overhead expenses associated with project management and administration.

It’s important to note that labor costs can vary substantially from one project to another and from one region to another. Local labor market conditions, including the availability of skilled labor, unionization, prevailing wage rates, and even economic factors, can significantly impact labor costs.

What are the top 10 issues impacting labor on construction projects?

The top 10 issues impacting labor on construction projects can vary depending on various factors such as location, project type, and industry trends. However, here are some common issues challenging the construction industry:

  1. Skilled labor shortage: The availability of skilled labor is a significant concern in many regions. The construction industry needs more qualified workers with the necessary skills and experience, leading to increased competition and potential delays in project completion.
  2. Labor productivity: Construction projects can be affected by low labor productivity due to factors such as inefficiencies, inadequate training, lack of motivation, or poor project planning. Maximizing labor productivity is crucial for completing projects on time and within budget.
  3. Wage and benefit pressures: Rising labor costs, including wages and benefits, can impact project budgets and profitability. Negotiating fair compensation packages while remaining competitive can be challenging for construction companies.
  4. Safety and health concerns: Construction work involves inherent risks, and ensuring worker safety is a top priority. Maintaining a safe working environment, complying with regulations, and implementing proper safety protocols are critical to mitigating accidents and injuries.
  5. Workforce diversity and inclusion: Encouraging diversity and inclusion is a continuing issue. Promoting equal opportunities, overcoming biases, and addressing workforce imbalances are essential for building a more inclusive and diverse labor force.
  6. Aging workforceThe construction industry often faces aging, with many skilled workers approaching retirement age. The industry must attract younger workers and invest in training and development programs to fill the knowledge gap.
  7. Technology integration: Adopting technology and digital tools in construction can improve productivity but also requires upskilling the labor force. Integrating new technologies effectively and ensuring workers are trained to use them efficiently is a significant challenge.
  8. Unionization and labor relations: Construction projects may involve unionized labor, and managing labor relations effectively is crucial for maintaining productivity and avoiding disputes or work stoppages.
  9. Immigration policies: Immigration policies and regulations can impact the availability of foreign workers in the construction industry. Changes in immigration laws or restrictions can affect labor supply and workforce diversity.
  10. Labor laws and compliance: Staying compliant with labor laws and regulations, including minimum wage requirements, overtime rules, and safety standards, is essential for construction companies. Compliance challenges can arise due to evolving laws or complex regulations.

It’s worth noting that these issues can evolve, and new challenges can arise over time. Therefore, construction companies and industry stakeholders need to stay updated on industry trends, labor market conditions, and regulatory changes to address these labor-related issues effectively.

How can technology help you manage labor on construction projects? 

Technology can be crucial in managing trade labor on construction projects by improving efficiency, communication, collaboration, and productivity. Here are several ways technology can help:

Production tracking software allows construction companies to streamline and automate various processes, such as scheduling, task assignment, and resource allocation, optimizing trade labor utilization, reducing downtime, and improving productivity.

Mobile apps provide on-site workers with real-time information, including project plans, specifications, and updates. In addition, workers can report progress, access digital blueprints, request materials, and communicate with team members, enhancing efficiency and reducing delays.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology enables the creation of a digital representation of a construction project. It allows trade laborers to visualize the project, identify clashes, and coordinate their work, reducing rework and enhancing collaboration.

Wearable technology like intelligent helmets or vests can improve trade labor safety and productivity. They can monitor workers’ vital signs, detect hazards, and provide real-time alerts to prevent accidents. Wearables can also track worker movements and activities to optimize workflow and identify areas for improvement.

Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as sensors and connected tools, can provide valuable data on equipment usage, material inventory, and environmental conditions. This data helps optimize trade labor activities, improve equipment maintenance, and enhance overall project efficiency.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) tech tools allow trade laborers to visualize designs in a 3D environment, facilitating a better understanding of project requirements and reducing errors. They can also provide virtual training simulations to improve skills and enhance safety.

Drones can be leveraged to survey construction jobsites, capture aerial imagery, and monitor project progress. They provide trade laborers and project managers with accurate data, allowing for better decision-making, improved site logistics, and increased efficiency.

Communication and collaboration tools such as project tracking software, cloud-based file sharing, and video conferencing enable real-time communication and collaboration among trade laborers, project managers, and other stakeholders, improving coordination, reducing errors, and enhancing productivity.

Data analytics can help construction contractors gain insights into trade labor performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions. Analytics can help optimize labor allocation, identify bottlenecks, and enhance project efficiency.

Training and skill development using technology-based training platforms, such as e-learning courses or virtual simulations, can help trade laborers upskill and stay updated with the latest techniques and industry standards, enhancing productivity and adaptability to changing project requirements.

Implementing these technology solutions requires proper planning, training, and integration with existing systems. However, when utilized effectively, technology can significantly improve trade labor management, leading to increased efficiency, reduced costs, improved safety, and better project outcomes in construction projects.

How can mobile device timecard solutions connect the office with field labor?

Mobile device timecard solutions can bridge the gap between office and field labor, enabling seamless communication, real-time data exchange, and efficient management of labor hours. Here’s how they can connect the office with field labor:

  • Real-time data capture: Mobile timecard solutions allow field laborers to log their work hours and activities directly on their mobile devices eliminating manual time sheets or paper-based processes, ensuring accurate and up-to-date data capture. The data instantly transmit to the office, providing real-time visibility into labor hours and project progress.
  • Real-time labor tracking: Project managers can track labor hours with mobile timecard solutions. They can monitor labor costs, compare actual hours against budgeted hours, and make timely adjustments to resource allocation or project schedules allowing for proactive management of labor resources and better project cost control.
  • Instant communication includes messaging or chat features, allowing field laborers to communicate directly with office staff. They can ask questions, request clarification, or provide updates on their work. This facilitates real-time communication, reducing delays and improving office and field collaboration.
  • Automatic synchronization and reporting: Mobile timecard solutions automatically synchronize data between the field and office systems, ensuring that labor hour data, including clock-in/out times, breaks, and task details, seamlessly integrates into the office’s payroll or project management software. It eliminates manual data entry and reduces administrative overhead.
  • Notifications and alerts: Mobile timecard apps can send messages and alerts to field laborers and office personnel. For example, workers can receive reminders to clock in or out, while project managers can be notified of any discrepancies or overtime situations. This enhances efficiency and helps address issues promptly.
  • Reporting and analytics: Mobile timecard solutions provide detailed labor hour reports and analytics. The office can access comprehensive data on labor costs, productivity, overtime trends, and other vital metrics. This information helps in decision-making, resource planning, and improving labor management strategies.
  • GPS and location tracking in mobile timecard solutions can leverage GPS technology to track the location of field laborers, helping verify that workers are on-site when clocking in or out, providing greater accountability, and preventing fraudulent time reporting. It also allows project managers to monitor labor distribution across multiple job sites.
  • Photo and document attachments in Mobile timecard apps often allow field laborers to attach photos, documents, or notes to their time entries enabling workers to document their activities, report issues or delays, and provide visual evidence of completed tasks. The office can access these attachments, enhancing communication and understanding between the office and the field.

By leveraging mobile device timecard technology, the office can stay connected with field labor more efficiently and timely. In addition, real-time data capture, instant communication, and seamless integration with office systems enable better coordination, accurate reporting, and improved management of labor resources on construction projects.