Rhumbix Web Release | December 2022

Chelsie La VrarJanuary 24, 2023 • 2 min read

Here’s what’s new in the Rhumbix Web App for the end of 2022!

There were three feature improvements and some minor bug fixes to make the user experience smoother.


Bulk Download: Field workflow users can now download documents in bulk (up to 25 documents at a time). This new feature allows users to download multiple PDFs of their field forms quickly. The Quick Reference Guide provides more information on how to use Bulk Download.

Weekly View Saved Filters: Timekeeping customers can save their most commonly used filters using the new Save Filter feature in the right rail. This new feature allows users to quickly filter time cards in Weekly View based on specific criteria. The Quick Reference Guide provides more information on how to use Saved Filters.

Weekly View Performance Improvements: Users will experience faster load times and smoother performance when working in timekeeping under Weekly View.  

Bug Fixes

Inactive Cost Codes: It was reported that Foreman and office staff users were able to submit time under inactive cost codes. This issue has been resolved, and we have improved the error messaging.

Set Password Email: It was reported that the set password email’s link was too far down the page, which prevented users from noticing it. This issue has been resolved, and the link is better visible.

PDF Download: A customer reported that the PDF download button was showing an error when downloading a field form. This issue has been resolved.

Weekly timekeeping export crashing: It was reported that the Weekly View CSV export was not working as expected and was causing Rhumbix to crash for some users. This issue has been resolved, and users can now export their timekeeping from Weekly View without issue.

Markups not pulling from mobile: It was reported that markups added to T&M forms on the mobile app were not appearing when viewed on the web dashboard. This issue has been resolved, and markups are occurring as expected.

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